Do not take a chance with just any old bail agent. There are a lot of bad bail bonds companies out there, companies that will make promises that they do not plan to keep. Do your research before settling on a company to help you bail out your friend or family member.
The best way to tell if a bail bonds company is trustworthy or not, is to check the California Department of Insurance’s (DOI) website. There they keep track of every bail agent in the state. If a client has ever had a problem with a particular bail agent or company, they can report it to the DOI, who will investigate the claim.
Some bail bonds companies do such a poor job of taking care of their clients, that they have numerous justified complaints from the DOI. Some go as far as to have more complaints against them, than they have years of being in business. Companies such as those should be avoided. One thing you should discover is that Los Angeles Bail Bonds Store Store does not have a single justified complaint from the DOI.
To talk to one of our professional bail agents today!
Our helpful bail agents will make the bail bonds process quick and easy for you. We will walk you through the bail process and even create a personalized payment plan that fits into your budget. This way the large cost of the bail bond is broken up into smaller, more manageable, monthly payments.
At Los Angeles Bail Bonds Store Store, our main priority, unlike our competitors’, is taking care of our clients and their loved ones. We are not out to fill our pockets with your hard earned money, and it shows. Since 1987, we have grown into one of the largest and most trusted bail bonds companies in California. You can count on us to be there for you when you need us most.
Use a bail agent you can trust!