State Wide Bail Bonds is your one stop bail bonds agency. When you call us, one of our trained bail agents will walk you through the bail bonds process. Our bail bondsman will do all the work that is needed to get your loved one out of jail. We will treat your friend or family like a VIP at State Wide Bail Bonds.
When you call State Wide Bail Bonds, simply give our bail agent the name of the person you are trying to bail out and the county they were arrested in. Our bail bondsman will search through the databases and find the VIP’s information for you. You will be able to rest easy knowing that a knowledgeable bail agent is taking care of your loved one.
Once our bail bondsman has gathered all the needed information on the VIP, they will begin setting up the bail bond. This includes working with you to come up with a personalized payment plan. We will work with your budget and create a payment plan that is more affordable than our competitors. Do not hesitate, the longer you do, the more time your loved one has to spend in jail.
Once a payment plan has been agreed upon, and the initial payment has been received, we can begin to get your VIP out of prison. We will get to bailing your loved one out right away. We can have your VIP out of jail in as little as two hours depending on the county they were arrested in.
With offices and bail agents all over California, you can count on State Wide Bail Bonds Store being there for you when you and your family need us most. Our bail bondsmen are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide their assistance whenever and wherever you may need it.