As you research for a bail bond company to help you out during this stressful time, you are, of course, going to be looking out for a company who is affordable, trustworthy and reliable.
The standard cost for the services of a bail agent is 10% of the full bail amount of the arrested person. So if the defendant has a $5,000 dollar bail, you will need to pay 10% of that ($500) to the bail bond company, no matter what company it is. What will differentiate pricing between companies is the interest they charge (if any), down payments (if any) and any other hidden fees (if any).
The amount charged is often also proportional to the quality of service. Most companies who charge interest, require down payments, and have hidden fees. Most companies are really just after your money more than anything. They could care less that you or a loved one is sitting in jail!
It’s important to read up on reviews about bail bond companies before committing. Carefully look at the negative comments and positive comments.
Statewide Bail Bonds is a family-owned bail bond company and has been in the industry for nearly 30 years and continues to help clients who walk away 100% satisfied with the company’s service. We are proud to maintain our reputation as being the best in California, with zero down bonds, no hidden fees and zero interest. Clients can really tell their agent means well.
At Statewide Bail Bonds, our bail agents are always available to help our clients whenever they need us. As soon as you find out that a friend or family member has been arrested, speak to one of our bail agents. They will help you get your loved one out of jail quickly and easily. Our knowledgeable and caring bail agents will make the bail process easier for you and your loved one.