Noisy neighbors can seriously lower your enjoyment of life, particularly when the noise happens late at night. If you’re in the middle of a noisy neighbor situation, here’s some tips that will help you gain some peace. Is the Noise Chronic Truthfully, if the noise issue is...

There is something about a child’s innocence that makes us all want to instinctively protect them. Some argue that it’s the fact that they are so helpless that we feel the need to protect them. Unfortunately, not everyone feels this way about children. There are...

Many people are familiar with the First and Second Amendment to the US Constitution. However, this is like only reading the first paragraph of a book and saying you understand everything in between. We do this a lot in today’s society. We look for articles with...

If you put your ear to a seashell, you’ll hear the waves of the ocean. However, you take your ear away from the seashell you’ll probably hear music. California is home to several noteworthy music venues and festivals. Being able to drive an hour, max,...

California is a magical place that captures many people’s attention. Magical people, views, and sights seem to gather in the best places. California is a pretty cool state, there isn’t any debate over that. California has beaches, sand dunes, amusement parks, and giant redwood trees....

Cell phones and motorists are a bad mix. The split second it takes to answer the phone is enough time to get into a serious accident, and as if that’s not bad enough, most California motorists pay more attention to the person they're speaking to...