14 Dec Do You Know What a Co-Signer Does?
A co-signer is very important for a bail bond. This person is making a promise that the defendant he or she is bailing out, will go to all assigned court appearances. On top of that, the co-signer is paying for the bail bond, and the payment plan greatly depends on the co-signer’s financial situation.
Did you know, there can be more than one co-signer on a bail bond? Well, there can be. In fact, the more co-signers you have, the better the deal you can get on the bail bond. Having more financially stable co-signers gives bail bond companies more confidence in the client, while also dividing up the payments between multiple parties. Having multiple signers can also increase your chances of qualifying for a discount. If you can get multiple people to co-sign your loved one’s bail bond, you will be able to handle the financial burden better than if you had co-signed by yourself.
You can learn more about co-signing, and about bail bonds in general, by contacting Los Angeles Bail Bond Store.