16 Aug Do You Need a Warrant Check in California?
Bailing someone out of jail is no fun, but here at Statewide Bail Bonds in Glendale we do everything that we can to help you. We will always help you get your loved ones out of jail, but that is not all that we do here. We also provide warrant checks for clients who need them. This way, if someone thinks there might be a warrant out for their arrest, they can find out for sure.
When a warrant is issued for a person’s arrest, no one notifies the person in question. If the police could find the person, then they would arrest him or her. If a person suspects that there may be a warrant out for their arrest, they usually have to go to the police station to see. If they do have a warrant, then they are arrested then and there, which isn’t optimal.
No one wants to get arrested, but if someone were to get arrested, they’d probably prefer to prepare for it first. Statewide Bail Bonds in Glendale lets you do that. When we perform a warrant check, if we find a warrant, we may be able to prepare a bail bond before the person turns themselves in, in some instances. This way, a person only stays in jail as long as it takes for them to be booked in, then they are bailed out.
While not all California counties allow us to perform warrant checks, the following do:
- Contra Costa
- Fresno
- Kern
- Riverside
- Sacramento
- San Bernardino
- Stanislaus
- Tulare
And sometimes:
- Kings
- San Juaquin
Even if we are unable to perform a warrant check for you, we can still get started on some of the bail paperwork. This can help expedite the bail process once a person is arrested, thereby shortening their stay behind bars.
When a person needs bail help, they should always contact Statewide Bail Bonds in Glendale. When a person thinks there might be a warrant out for their arrest, they can contact Statewide Bail Bonds in Glendale for help with that as well.