24 Jan Fire Preparation
With temperatures finally dropping, some Californians are breathing a sigh of relief because they managed to survive yet another fire season. However, that’s not always the case. This past year, there were thousands of arcs burned, and hundreds of homes lost to fires.
Once a fire gets too big, there is no controlling it, it just burns whatever gets in its path.
Even though it may feel like we’re done with fires for the season, California is still very dry. On top of wild fires, we also have to be prepared to handle a fire inside our homes. The Red Cross’s website has plenty of information to help prepare your household for a fire.
Before a fire:
- Form a plan.
- Install and regularly check your fire alarms.
- Have two escape routes for every room.
- Practice your plan.
- Have a fire extinguisher.
During a Fire:
- Get out and call 911.
- Yell “fire!” to alert anyone nearby.
- When escaping through smoke, get low and go under the smoke.
- If you become trapped, stay in a room with all windows, and doors shut. Get a wet cloth and place it under the doors if possible.
The best outcome would be to prevent a fire from ever happening. However, we can’t prevent our neighbor’s house from catching fire. All you can do is prepare your home to the best of your abilities.