
Bail and White-Collar Crimes

White-collar crimes are crimes that are typically committed by what the world has labeled as white-collar professionals. That being said, anyone from any walk of life and any career path can be charged with a white-collar crime.

Common characteristics white collar crimes share include:

  • There’s usually a financial angle
  • There generally isn’t any violence
  • The person charged with the crime usually has a solid connection with their community.

Common examples of white-collar crimes include:

  • Extortion
  • Blackmail
  • Ponzi schemes
  • Bankruptcy fraud
  • Campaign fraud
  • Embezzlement

Because white-collar crimes rarely have an element of violence, it’s rare for a judge to deny bail, though they will take a close look at how closely you’re connected to the community and your criminal history.

If the judge grants bail and you feel like you’ll be safe at home, you have to decide how to pay the bail. Bailing yourself out is going to be tricky if your accounts are frozen while investigators are gathering evidence. Without access to your accounts, you’ll probably need a bail bonds agency.

Using a bail bonds agency doesn’t mean you don’t have to come up with any money. You’ll be charged a fee that adds up to 10% of the needed bail. This fee isn’t refundable.

If your frozen accounts mean you can’t even scrape up the 10% fee, don’t assume you’ll have to sit in jail for the foreseeable future. For one thing, we do have a flexible, zero-interest payment plan that might interest you. The second thing, we’re happy to accept the payment from any friend or family member who is willing to post it.

Once you’re released from jail on a bail bond, don’t assume you’ll be free to do whatever you want. It’s possible the judge attached conditions to your bail. Typically, these conditions include things like not leaving the immediate area, staying away from your victims, not committing any crimes while you’re out on bail, etc. You must take these conditions to heart. Breaking a single one will result in your going to jail and you may not be able to secure bail bond the second time around.

Ready to be released from jail? Get the ball rolling by calling 877-793-2245 or clicking Chat With Us link.


The Online Bail Process

While there’s nothing cool or fun about learning that a loved one has been arrested, the good news is that we live in the technological age so contacting a bail bonds agency is easier than ever.

In the past, learning about a bail bonds agency, signing a contract, and paying the fee required making phone calls and meeting the bail bonds agent in person. If you prefer to use the phone or meet face-to-face, that’s okay, but it’s not necessary. These days, you can complete the entire process online.

The Online Consultation

We’re very proud of our online consultation system. The biggest difference between it and most other online consultations is that you don’t have to wonder if you’re speaking to a chatbot. No matter what time of the day or night it is, when you click the chat with us link, you’re speaking to a real, highly experienced bail bonds agent.

When you contact us via the chat now link, you’ll enjoy:

  • Having time to think about your questions and answers
  • The ability to review the chat’s text
  • A positive customer experience

Online Contracts

Is there anything more nerve-wracking than already being in a stressful situation and then having to read an important document while you’re in a strange place, with strangers watching? When you take advantage of online bail bonds, you won’t be placed in that situation. We’ll virtually send the contract to you. You’re free to take as much time as you need to review it. If you like the terms, you sign it and send it back to us. It doesn’t get much easier

Once you’ve signed the contract, you can pay online using a credit or debit card.

Our online bail bonds setup is just one of the things you’ll love about Glendale Bail Bonds.

Other great features include:

  • Flexible payment plans
  • Simple contracts
  • 24/7 service
  • Zero worry about hidden fees
  • Zero down bail bond
  • Zero-interest bail bond
  • Fast service
  • Extreme Discretion

Click the Chat With Us Now button and enjoy the freedom of online bail bonds.