New California Smoking Laws You Should Know About

New California Smoking Laws You Should Know About


It is no secret that cigarette smoking is increasing among teens; not everyone obeys age limit laws. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration are constantly implementing new rules for smokers and the most recent ones focus on manufacturing, labeling and marketing, and not selling to those who are 20 or younger. The new rules apply to smoking cigarettes, cigars, hookahs, and also the more popular and “safer” e-cigarettes.

Everyone is well-educated on the risks of smoking – both for the self and for others passing by who inhale those fumes, which is called second-hand smoke. Despite knowing the health risks, people smoke anyway to relieve stress, to calm down, because of peer pressure, or because it’s “cool.”

The new regulations will take time to be implemented but note that violations can result in some hefty fines, losing licenses to manufacture and/ or sell, and even jail time, depending on your role in violating the rules. It is best to read up on current and forthcoming rules and regulations.

Violators who are jailed will very likely be offered bail to get out. If this happens to you or someone you know, please contact Seaside Bail Bond Store. We can provide you with a more budget friendly way of bailing out of jail. Seaside Bail Bond Store will get you out of jail in a jiffy!

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