26 Dec Partying too Hard
The official countdown to the New Year hasn’t started just quite yet, but your party planning for the New Year may have. Whether you plan on staying in, or going out, plan your New Year’s celebration wisely. This is the time of year where DUI checkpoints are around every corner, so don’t drive drunk, and remember your driver’s license.
On top of being responsible, try to be kind to your body as well. PreventionLane.org has several tips on how to be safe when consuming alcohol. The first tip is to know your limit, and stick to it. Consuming too much alcohol can land you or a loved one in the emergency room with alcohol poisoning. When consuming high amounts of alcohol it is wise to keep your body hydrated with water and eat a well-balanced meal beforehand.
Prevention Lane also recommends slowing down and sipping your drinks. Along with sipping your drinks, it is also suggested that you alternate between alcohol and water. While you’re alternating between water and your drink, also try to space out the drinks. The faster you consume your drinks, the faster you will become intoxicated.