One major condition while being out on bail, is that the defendant cannot get into trouble and get arrested again. The point of bail is to prove to the court and the community that although you were accused of a crime, you are still trustworthy...

If you were to ask former clients of ours, what the best thing about Statewide Burbank Bail Bonds was, what ONE thing could you say? 24/7 state-wide availability? Professional, fast, and friendly licensed agents? Confidentiality? Low cost bail bonds with flexible payment plans? There are...

Paying for bail or a bail bond is something that 1) you never thought you’d have to do, and 2) would rather not do because it’s your money that you’d rather spend elsewhere. It can be so easy to say no to helping a friend...

The team at Statewide Burbank Bail Bonds in California are unsung superheroes. These men and women are the people you would want when you or a loved one is arrested because when someone is arrested, there will definitely be plenty of opposing parties and plenty...

Getting arrested once is not your burden to carry throughout the rest of your life. It is not a burden at all if you can make it that way. You can so easily move on from that one situation to excel at life in your...

(Some) drone operators and enthusiasts may rejoice - commercial use drones by businesses will no longer need special permission from the Federal Aviation Administration to fly the drone each time they wish to do so. There are still regulations and rules to follow, but it...

There are many things you need to know about Statewide Burbank Bail Bonds but they can be summed up in 3 quick, right-to-the-point facts: We are very approachable and welcoming; do not be afraid of us or embarrassed to ask a question and for our help. Our...

Among a parent’s most frightening thoughts is that their child is going to be or has been arrested. In this moment, they want to be there to help their child as much as they can but frankly, there is only so much they can do...

Bail bonds typically require collateral to be pledged, which is basically like another insurance and surety. The defendant’s number one requirement for a bail bond is to show up for court dates. To further incentivize him or her to honor this agreement, the collateral for...

Statewide Burbank Bail Bonds is a safe and smart alternative to jail. Every image you make up in your head about jail is not pretty. It is dirty and dark. It is uncomfortable and cramped with other people. It is cold and can be dangerous....