Feeling threatened and worrying about your physical/mental safety is an incredibly frightening and stressful situation. The one bright spot is that California’s lawmakers fully understand just how much danger you are in. Laws and protective orders are in place, each one is designed to keep...

  California lawmakers have recently passed a bill that if signed by Governor Jerry Brown, would allow certain cities to extend how late alcohol could be served. The bill in question is Senate Bill (SB) 905. The bill was passed at the end of August and...

  The internet gives people access to a lot of useful and helpful information. However, if a person is not careful, they can inadvertently give someone out there access to their own personal information. There are dozens of scams out there that people use in an...

  In an article written by Matthew Wilson for Property Guard Master, Wilson cites that in the United States alone there is a home intrusion every thirteen seconds. Furthermore, there are an astounding 2.5 million home burglaries reported each year. Of those 2.5 million home burglaries,...

If you are like most people, than you do have questions about bail. Sometimes, finding answers for those questions is easy. Basic answers can be found all over the web, even on this website. However, finding specific answer about bail with regards to your friend...

Why would anyone settle for less than the very best, especially when the best is cheaper than one you might think? You can get the best bail help in the state of California at a very affordable price just by going to Bail Bonds in...