07 Feb Things that Actually Make You Happy
HUnfortunately life doesn’t come with manual or guide. In life we often get dragged down by the mundane. Routines become our way of life, and leave little time for having fun. The challenge many of us face is how to be happy. This simple question plagues many people’s minds on a day to day basis.
Endorphins, oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine are all chemicals that contribute to your happiness. When we feel good, it’s usually because our brains have released one of those chemicals. These chemicals, also referred to as hormones, can be released for many different reasons. Exercising, stretching, laughing, and smiling can all help activate the release of these hormones.
When you exercise, your body releases oxytocin and endorphins. These hormones increase your happiness. Even through exercising may seem like a daunting task at first, it can actually improve your mood. The best part about exercising to feel happier is that the more of a regular routine you have, the more hormones will be released.
Laughing is an excellent source of happiness, but you’re probably thinking that you can’t control when you laugh. However you would be wrong. Studies have shown that if you fake laugh for over a minute, you will actually start laughing naturally. Yes, faking it till you make it works. Fake laughing relaxes your body, and releases just enough dopamine to trigger a real response. Also when you make a fool of yourself, you can begin to naturally laugh about it.
Smiling is similar to laughing when it comes to making you happy. If you force yourself to fake a smile for a certain amount of time, you’ll eventually trick your brain into releasing the happy chemicals. Fake smiling is more effective if you can see yourself smiling in the mirror.
Another great way to improve your happiness is dancing. Taking a moment of your day to let go, and dance around like a fool, can help relax your body. A relaxed body is more likely to release the hormones that improve your happiness and overall mood.