29 Dec What Determines Own Recognizance Release
Not all who are arrested are given the opportunity to be released on own recognizance, which is when a defendant signs formal papers promising to show up for court, then is released from jail. Most defendants are granted bail, meaning they have to pay money to the court in order to be released from jail. Some are denied bail altogether. What factors determine own recognizance and bail?
Who determines: The judge.
What factors contribute: A defendant’s prior criminal record, the current crime he or she is accused of, the ties and relationships the defendant has to others in the community, and their financial ability to pay for bail.
As you can probably guess, if a defendant has virtually no prior criminal history, has strong ties to the community, and the crime he or she is accused of is not very serious, then this defendant has a much better chance at being granted own recognizance release. It is not guaranteed, but the chances are certainly better.
For those who are granted bail, there are two options: cash bail, or a bail bond where a third party bail bond company steps in to assist. Before making a rash decision and going the cash bail route, please contact Los Angeles Bail Bond Store. We will help you understand more about the bail bond industry and how our company can benefit you. We can help you save money and get you, or your loved one, bailed out of jail faster. It takes just a few minutes to contact Los Angeles Bail Bond Store for a free consultation. You will not regret it.