The statute of limitations for copyright infringement is three years. Copyright infringement is the illegal copying, publishing, and distributing of creative works that belong to other people, groups, or companies. Creative works can be computer software programs, video games, books, films, music, and more. Copyrights...

When a person takes something from another without permission, it is called theft, robbery, or burglary. You think to yourself, “those three words all mean the same thing. They are synonyms for each other.” In the broad sense, this is true. However, each of these...

The 4th of July is marked with reds, whites, and blues, barbecue food, and fireworks. This holiday, America’s birthday, is one of those few special times of the year that people can celebrate with fireworks, and it is the only time of the year to...

Although the 4th of July falls on a Tuesday this year rather than the weekend, do not rule out the people enjoying a little extra partying, and the police setting up a few extra DUI checkpoints. As always, there will be many celebrations over the...

Just the other week it was announced that the Senate passed a bill to extend last call for alcohol service from 2 AM to 4 AM. Now the bill is heading to the Assembly for consideration. One of the main pushes for the bill is...