Being released from jail on what is called ‘own recognizance’ is reserved for the lucky few. This means that those who are granted this permission, do not have to pay for bail to be released from jail. They simply sign formal papers to agree to...

There are two types of people: those who bail out of jail, and those who do not. Let’s compare the two: Those Who Bail Out Of Jail More likely to lean on friends and family for support. Will have a stronger defense case made with their lawyer. Will continue...

The number for Statewide Glendale Bail Bonds is 877-793-2245. You might want to remember that (and the company’s name) next time you have a run-in with the cops. This time, you got away or got off easy. But next time they may not be so...

Getting arrested is a serious enough issue for a loved one of yours to be so mad at you - madder than you have ever seen them. So mad (and disappointed, which may be worse) to the point you think they will separate themselves from...