Compared to cash bail, bail bonds are a small cost. Bail bonds cost 10% of cash bail. So it may be a few hundred or a few thousand dollars that you would much rather spend on something else. But knowing that your loved one, who...

When we think of posting bail, we generally think of the negatives: paying a lot of money to someone else because you or your loved one did something wrong and got caught for it. But there are a number of really incredible and often overlooked...

When your loved one is in a jam and needs you to help pay for bail, one of the questions that’s going to run through your mind is, “how am I going to afford that?” We’re here to help settle this thought that is nerve-racking...

Whatever negative, threatening, and intimidating thoughts you have surrounding bail bonds and bail agents, you need to drop them, now. These preconceived ideas and notions are easy to hold onto because you see them in TV shows and movies. Plus, you might think that because...

Cosigning onto a bail bond is a huge gesture of the signer towards the defendant who needs the bail bond. However, it also is a risk for the cosigner. And for the defendant, it is a lot of trust and good faith instill upon them,...

The team at Statewide Burbank Bail Bonds in California are unsung superheroes. These men and women are the people you would want when you or a loved one is arrested because when someone is arrested, there will definitely be plenty of opposing parties and plenty...

Getting arrested once is not your burden to carry throughout the rest of your life. It is not a burden at all if you can make it that way. You can so easily move on from that one situation to excel at life in your...

(Some) drone operators and enthusiasts may rejoice - commercial use drones by businesses will no longer need special permission from the Federal Aviation Administration to fly the drone each time they wish to do so. There are still regulations and rules to follow, but it...

There are many things you need to know about Statewide Burbank Bail Bonds but they can be summed up in 3 quick, right-to-the-point facts: We are very approachable and welcoming; do not be afraid of us or embarrassed to ask a question and for our help. Our...

Among a parent’s most frightening thoughts is that their child is going to be or has been arrested. In this moment, they want to be there to help their child as much as they can but frankly, there is only so much they can do...