W hen it comes to bail bonds, figuring out prices before someone has been arrested can be tricky. This is due to the fact that bail amounts vary depending on the crime a person was arrested for, their criminal record, and the kind of mood the...

  W hen it comes to breaking the law, there are all sorts of things that a person can do. There are literally thousands of different ways to break laws in California. Some of the most commonly broken laws in the state include: Assault: This occurs when...

  C ollateral is not something that people get excited about. It adds an extra level of stress to what is already a stressful situation. Making a large financial commitment, such as posting someone’s bail, already costs a lot of money. Needing to pledge collateral only makes...

  The 4thof July is all about celebrating America’s independence from Great Britain all those years ago. It is a holiday all about freedom, so you wouldn’t want a loved one to spend it locked behind bars. Being locked up in jail is no fun, and...

  There are a lot of things in life that are hard to prepare for. A perfect example of this would be the arrest of a loved one. No one can ever truly prepare for something like this. This means that most people are as ready...

  Whenever you have something fun planned, there is a set group of people that you want to be there with you. You and your friends always do the fun things together. It just wouldn’t be the same to do something without one of them. That...

  Sometimes, no matter how difficult a task may appear, all it takes is one person to make a difference. A single person lending a helping hand can take something that was impossible, and make it simple. This is definitely the case when it comes to...

  The thought alone of bailing someone out of jail can terrify most people. They do not want to picture their loved one stuck behind bars, and they also don’t want to completely drain their bank account to rescue said loved one. Luckily, you do not...

    Despite your best efforts, there are some things that you just can’t plan for. These things are often classified as emergencies because of that fact. Even though bad things, such as the arrest of a loved one, can arise without warning, they can be dealt...