As you are well aware, five Dallas, Texas cops were killed during what was a peaceful protest regarding the shootings of two African American men in other states. They were killed by a man with an Army background, and thus had the skills and tactics...

If you want to continue using Netflix from here on out, we highly recommend you change your password. Why? It is now considered a federal crime to share your password with others, seriously. If you really think about it, it makes sense. If you share...

When is it acceptable to call a person at the earliest hours of the day when you should be sleeping, like at 3am? Answer: when your loved one called you first, telling you he or she has been arrested and that they need a bail...

Pokémon Go has very rapidly consumed our entire lives and we hate to admit it, but it is so freaking fun. We just want to catch them all! However, in our quest to do so, there are some things we would like to remind you all...

When you work with Statewide Glendale Bail Bonds to bail your loved one out of jail, you will quickly learn that we are not only available to just do the bail bond job. We are also here to remind you that this is just one...

Arrests and resulting convictions may go on permanent records, but that permanent record can almost be artificial. It will be on your legal records, but it will not stop you from being offered jobs, buying houses, enrolling in education, or being granted bank loans. What...

If a loved one of yours has been arrested, Statewide Glendale Bail Bonds is going to be one of the first ones to tell you not to panic and that there is so much to gain from the situation. We are going to reduce your...

Every person deserves an opportunity to re-evaluate themselves and prove to others that they are a good, honest, and hard-working person. If you have a loved one in jail, do not let their situation deter them. Statewide Glendale Bail Bonds will help be a cheerleader...

The saying, “there is no place like home” carries such a true meaning. Home is where a person’s loved ones are. It is where a person feels most comfortable, where a person is most motivated. Jail is a stark opposite of this image. Jail is...

When something bad happens, our natural thought is that “this is it. This is the end.” That you, figuratively, will not going to survive this, whatever it was. You thought that in middle school when you were caught cheating on a test, you thought that...