H ere at Statewide Bail Bonds in Glendale, we know everything about bail and do everything that we can to help our clients out. We help clients fill out the paperwork, communicate with the jail for them, and provide them with an affordable option. While we...

W ith the millions of people here in California driving every single day, it should come as no surprise that there thousands of car accidents daily. Sometimes the accidents couldn’t be avoided, and other times the accidents are caused by a person driving their vehicle in...

  B ailing someone out of jail may seem like an expensive undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be. If you get help from the professionals here at Statewide Bail Bonds in Glendale, you can get some great deals. Our bail bonds only cost 10% of the...

  W hen people need to make big expenses, they want to make sure they can truly afford the expense. This is especially important when it comes to rescuing a loved one from jail. You want to be able to afford the bail. Sadly bail, costs several...

  T he last thing anyone wants is to be put in a dangerous situation where they need to defend themselves from an attacker. Unfortunately this situation does happen on rare occasions. As if this wasn’t bad enough, there are some states in the US that don’t...

  E veryone knows about the dangers of drinking and driving. Consuming alcohol puts a person’s mind in a weird place. The person is still sort of aware of what they are doing, but they are incapable of doing things precisely. An intoxicated person may see something...

  The idea of posting someone’s bail is something that never crosses a person’s mind until they are actually faced with the decision. No one ever wants to imagine that someone they care about could get arrested, and they definitely don’t want to think about posting...

  Most people are looking to save as much money as they can. After all, it doesn’t come easily, so they want to make sure they can store it away and use it on whatever they want. That is why people are always looking for a...

  Bail is not something that people ever really consider. Most people hope that they will never have to bail themselves, or even a loved one, out of jail. Unfortunately, life doesn’t always work out that way. Sometimes things happen, and people end up in jail....

  Bailing someone out of jail is never something that people count on doing, it is something that just pops up. This is due to the fact that no one ever plans on getting arrested, so no one ever plans on needing bail. Unfortunately, people do...