When a friend or family member is in trouble, you are always there for them. They know that you will never abandon them in their time of need, and so they always come to you for help before anyone else. You don’t mind, since they...

  Time is precious, and no one likes to have their time wasted. They have important things they want to do, and anything that distracts or takes away from that can be frustrating. This is one of the biggest reasons why people hate getting arrested. They...

  No one likes spinning their wheels and getting nowhere. Putting a bunch of energy and effort into something and getting no results is truly frustrating. This is especially true during stressful situations. A perfect example is trying to bail a friend or family member out...

  The holiday season is officially here, and many people are getting ready to have some fun at family parties. Everyone celebrates in their own special way, but many celebrations will be including alcohol. If that is the case, then a person should be prepared to...